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Advantages of scientific knowledge and communication
Doina David
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Advantages of scientific knowledge and communication
Coordinator Doina David
Colecție Științe ale edicației
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Cod: E9786062817992
Categorii: Cărți de specialitate, Limbi străine
Autor: Doina David
Anul apariției: 2024
PDF: ISBN Advantages of scientific knowledge and communication
Colecții: Limbi străine, Sciences
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The papers published in this volume are the result of research activity, the result of academic concerns within “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Targu Mures, they represent the valorization of years of experience and active involvement in the educational act in the academic environment of those who are university teachers from the 5 faculties of the University. If there is a motive for this vast process of research and communication of the results of scientific knowledge, then it would be based on the paradigm specific to humanistic psychology developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, according to which each person is valuable in himself. By human nature, man can develop and choose his destiny, to validate his positive individual qualities and characteristics to the extent that the environment provides him with the proper conditions for self-manifestation.
I believe, and I am convinced that in this century, more than ever, the unconditional acceptance of positive thinking in school, the unconditional acceptance of an open attitude towards students, diverse cultures, and civilizations can fundamentally favor human development. Postmodern, student-centered education must have as philosophy those principles that consider the student as something unique with its individuality that must be discovered, shaped, and activated in all respects more or less known by the educator.
The world and the educational universe today involve approaching principles in which linguistic, cultural, and educational diversity becomes a complex but also unique space where man is respected as a unique entity based on individual differences, diversity capacity for positive change, self-esteem as a premise of personal development, recognition and affirmation of the sense of personal value. Thus, in this area, our university has identified a fertile space for collaboration in the educational environment by accepting a challenge that has become a certainty. In this context, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University of Targu Mures has become a complex academic environment in which the “zero milestone” has been overcome, where education has become a process in which we discovered together students, teachers from Romania and Italy that postmodern education requires an approach of those mechanisms that can guide students in the process of professional training, this being an approach that involves an evolution in time as a result of experiences acquired about the world, a discontinuous process of accumulations, restructurings, mutual adaptations to social reality.
From this perspective, suddenly what seemed to distinguish the tow linguistic and educational spaces, the Romanian and the Italian, we managed to identify together the bridges that converge towards a common ideal, education.
Self-knowledge is learned, and school, and university, are the main place to carry out this process, along with family, circle of friends, and implicitly society. Through everything that this “experiment” aims at, it induces us the idea that the student needs self-knowledge, and identification of his multiple facets where there are also dynamics marked by subjectivism, reevaluations, corrections, confirmations, value re-hierarchy that can be materialized only when there is educational support for the action of carrying out projects regarding future career and development, so that everything does not remain just an act of passive introspection. Together with Romanian and Italian students, and teachers, we identified the same vectors, the school, and the university, who want to provide the student with answers to all the questions he addresses over time, who am I? Who was I? Who will I be? Questions are trivial, but they can be solved because, self-knowledge, self-decision, and self-evaluation are mechanisms that are learned so that we can know our qualities, potentialities, motivations, aspirations, in a word, skills that, in time, will allow a better adaptation to the profession for which we have opted and prepared.
If the challenges existed, the results also appeared, as a response to the challenges already launched in contemporary society, where there is a growing need to rethink school, formal education, along with non-formal and informal education, in their various forms of articulation. As a subsystem of the education macrosystem, the university, through its educational offer, contributes to structuring the trajectories of (self)formation and (self) development of the individual’s personality, preparing him to be a demanding beneficiary of lifelong learning.
All these particularities emerge from the activities of our university, where we try to be tributary to the judgment according to which the postmodernist educator is a seeker, a passionate producer, and a distributor of information and knowledge regardless of the cultural and educational space from which he comes and with which he identifies, where geographical boundaries are overcome by cultural, informational ones, here we have the certainty that Romanians and Italians have identified together that, If the characteristics of common knowledge refer to the immediate socio-human reality that can vaguely formulate paradigms and postulates, scientific knowledge is marked by a theoretical accumulation that involves a distinct methodological approach and approach, involving methods, techniques, models, where subjectivity, impersonal character are almost non-existent in scientific knowledge, imposing on us the approach in which the subjectivity of the agent of knowledge has no place.
If the limits of common knowledge also include the individual character, the particularity of ideas that do not reach the level of generality and will not be the image of the entire psycho-social reality, scientific knowledge offers the alternative marked by a theoretical accumulation that involves a distinct methodological approach and approach, involving methods, techniques, models.
Here, in our university, together Romanians and Italians we identified those elements that distinguish and unite us, we realized that, if we were both actors of a certain “generosity” of history, at least from the point of view of the academic phenomenon, we must discover and rediscover the elements of stability, national and cultural identity in agreement with a certain history.
Europe’s cultural paradigm can no longer be at the exclusive level and/or, we must abandon this Cartesian logic in favor of accepting reasoning and/or, recognizing cultural and educational diversity and unity at the same time.
Scientific Vice-Rector,
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Doina Davi
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