ChatGPT. Mastering conversations with artificial intelligence. A comprehensive guide to enhance your daily life and work

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ChatGPT. Mastering conversations with artificial intelligence. A comprehensive guide to enhance your daily life and work by Dumitru Radoiu
Colecție Știință / Inteligență artificială și biotehnologii / Inovații – Brown Spot
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Cod: E9786303300719 Categorie: Autor: Anul apariției: 2024 ePub: ISBN 978-630-330-070-2PDF: ISBN 978-630-330-071-9 Colecții: ,
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Dumitru Radoiu provides an overview of ChatGPT, how it works, and most importantly, how you can harness AI to accomplish more with less. Less time, mental effort, and money.

The book focuses specifically on ChatGPT, with techniques transferable to other similar AI applications known as large language models (LLMs). Much of the work focuses on real-world applications to increase productivity by incorporating ChatGPT into everyday activities. This handbook also addresses the future of AI, discussing trends and how they could transform our daily lives.

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