Strange but Savoury! The Little Encyclopaedia of Amazing Luxury Foods from All Over the World

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Strange but Savoury! The Little Encyclopaedia of Amazing Luxury Foods from All Over the World – Gracie Maynard Ephraim
The Amazing Series

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Cod: EB9786069925249 Categorie: Autor: Anul apariției: 2021 PDF: ISBN 978-606-992-524-9 Colecție:
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Strange but Savoury! The Little Encyclopaedia of Amazing Luxury Foods from All Over the World

The World really eats everything:
World’s Most Expensive Dishes, Connoisseurs Know Why! Feat. $$25,000 Grand Velas Tacos with Kobe beef, rare caviar, truffles, gold flakes and other delicacies
Pressed Duck à la Tour d’Argent
Foie Gras Cruel and Tasty History
Ortolan or the Last Meal of a President (A Dish Also Loved by Three Emperors)
Lobster Mania feat. Fra Diavolo, Bisque and Other Culinary Wonders
Edible Birds’ Nests, What a Soup!
Fried Tarantula, “the Creepy Cambodian Caviar”
Escargot Pearls, Subtle Snail Caviar
Jellyfish, the Unconventional Seafood
Huitlacoche, the Mexican “Truffle”
The Crazy World of Eggs
Surströmming, the Fermented Herring
Witchetty Grub, the Last Temptation of Prince Charles

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